Saturday, November 12, 2011

Miracle Happened ... A True Sory

This is a “true story” about how I met my boyfriend on a dating site on the Internet.

- Fifteen Years Ago -

I used to hang out at a country bar called Club Palomino. I loved listening to good bands there and dancing to their country rock music. I used to drag my friend out to see my favourite band “Cheyenne” play. They were amazing and always packed the place. My friend and I used to get up and dance to their songs. I was interested in the rhythm guitar player in the band. To me, he was the best looking one and I loved his voice along with the rhythm of his guitar music. Yes, I had the “hots” for him and would stare at him from the dance floor or the bar while he was playing his guitar or singing. I’ve always had this thing for bands as I play the guitar and always wanted to be part of a band too.
They played there for a long time and were the best band at Club Palomino. I would go there as much as I could just to hear them play, and of course, always watch my favourite player. The sad part about it was I used to see him with a short blonde girl, whom I assumed to be his girlfriend or wife. After seeing the band play there for a long time, the club closed down. Yes, the club was sold. A huge townhouse sub-division was put up in its place and the club was gone. So were all the bands and my favourite band, Cheyenne. When I first found out about the club closing down, I wanted to approach Cheyenne; particularly the rhythm guitar player and ask where would they play in the future. However, I didn’t have enough courage to do that. I guess things happen for a reason.

- Fifteen Years Later -

As time went on, I met someone and got married. That was a mistake. Eventually, we got a divorce. I starting going out to bars again but soon got tired of it and I wasn’t meeting anyone decent enough. I wasn’t crazy about the bands playing at other bars either. Later, a friend told me to join a particular dating site on the Internet, which I thought I would never do. Nevertheless, I thought I would check it out for fun as I heard so much about people meeting their soul mates from that site. Surprisingly enough, I had a few dates but I just didn’t find the right one from the dating site. I sort of gave up on it until one night.

After getting home from a bar, which I hated, I went on my computer. For some reason, I logged in onto that dating site again. I was really glad I did that. I got an interesting email from a guy and liked his picture. I was also touched by his email and flattered that he was interested in my picture and profile. From then on, we started emailing each other quite often on that site. We seemed to have so much in common through our emails. We continued writing and eventually got on msn and chatted for a while. He was Bulgarian and I was Hungarian. How common was that! We discovered from our msn chats that we had even more stuff in common. It was really amazing. Our families even lived in the same town of all places. We chatted every night as often as we could. And then, a miracle happened! We started chatting on our computers about music. We realized we liked all the same music and both of us wrote songs.

I told him I liked country music and used to frequent a particular bar, which had closed down about fifteen years ago. Naturally, he asked me about the name of the bar back then. I told him it was Club Palomino. He was really surprised and told me he used to play there. I wasn’t sure whether to believe him or not! He said he would send me a picture of his band that played there. I thought, “Yeah right, this is too much of a coincidence.” to myself as I waited patiently in front of my computer for the picture. Lo and behold! A huge picture with the words “Cheyenne” and “Club Palomino” came up on my screen. I freaked out! I couldn’t believe it! It was him in the picture with Cheyenne. The guy I was interested in was the rhythm guitar player in my favourite band. I was so shocked that I went crazy after seeing the picture! It was just unbelievable! It was like a miracle that suddenly happened! It was like a fairy tale!

We carried on chatting every moment we had for some time and eventually, he gave me his phone number. We started talking on the phone every night. It was just amazing all the things we had in common about everything! Yes, it was too good to be true! After about three weeks of talking on the phone every night, chatting on the computer and exchanging pictures, we decided to meet. I was brave enough to allow him to pick me up at my mother’s place as I had developed a trust in him through listening to his honest voice. I met him downstairs in front of my mother’s apartment building. He got out of his car and the first thing we did was to look at each other and start laughing. We laughed like crazy and couldn’t stop laughing! He took me to the local Canadian Legion where we talked, had a drink together (still laughing) and got more acquainted.
Eventually we went into another room and sat down at a table. After a while, he asked me if I mind if he got up on stage to do a solo. I definitely did not mind as being in the company of a man singing with his guitar is like being in heaven. He got up on stage and started playing his guitar and singing in front of an audience. That did it for me. I was hooked! The guy I admired fifteen years ago was performing in front of my eyes and was my date! I was in heaven! We dated for about two years and it was absolutely wonderful. Eventually we bought a condominium and have been living together for two and a half years now. Then, the final surprise! After moving into our condominium, we looked out of our window and to our astonishment we saw the office building of the dating site that brought us together. What a coincidence that was! In March 2008, we would have been together for five years, playing music and still laughing! We are just like two peas in a pod.
He met my friend who I was with at Club Palomino fifteen years ago and he remembered seeing us dancing while his band Cheyenne played. He also remembered me standing at the bar at times. I used to watch him go to the bar for his coffee and I knew our eyes met at that time. It felt strange crossing one another’s path some fifteen years ago only to be together now in the future and remembering it all!

By the way, that short blonde girl he was with at Club Palominowas the girl he married for eight years. He went through a brutal divorce. He did tell me that I should have approached him and told him “She is bad news.” when I first saw him at Club Palomino fifteen years ago. It’s funny how life is - it just wasn’t meant to be back then. Fate brought us together. We met our soul mates all thanks to that dating site!

For Jeanette and Rick

By Jeannette Gardner

2018 පොදුරාජ්‍ය මණ්ඩලීය කී‍්‍රඩා උළෙලේ සත්කාරකත්වය ගෝල්ඩ් කෝස්ට් නගරයට ...

වසර 2018 පොදුරාජ්‍ය මණ්ඩලීය කී‍්‍රඩා උළෙල පැවැත්වීමේ අවස්ථාව  ඕස්ටේ‍්‍රලියාවේ ගෝල්ඩ් කෝස්ට් නගරය විසින් දිනාගනු ලැබ ඇත. ශී‍්‍ර ලංකාවේ හම්බන්තොට නගරය ද මේ සඳහා ඉදිරිපත්ව සිටි නමුත් බටහිර ඉන්දීය දූපත් සමූහයට අයත් ශාන්ත කිට්ස් සහ නේවිස්හිදී ඊයේ (11 වැනිදා) පැවැති පොදුරාජ්‍ය මණ්ඩලීය කී‍්‍රඩා සම්මේලන නියෝජිතයන්ගේ ඡන්ද විමසීමේදී හම්බන්තොට නගරය පරදවා ඡන්ද 43-27 ක පහසු ජයක් ලබාගැනීමට ගෝල්ඩ් කෝස්ට් නගරය සමත් විය.

ඕස්ටේ‍්‍රලියාවෙන් මෙන්ම ශී‍්‍ර ලංකාවෙන්ද මේ සඳහා විශේෂ කණ්ඩායම් ශාන්ත කිට්ස් දිවයින බලා ගොස් තිබුණු අතර  ඕස්ටේ‍්‍රලියානු කණ්ඩායමට 20 දෙනකු ඇතුළත් විය. ශී‍්‍ර ලංකා කණ්ඩායම 160 ඉක්මවා තිබිණ.
ඡන්දය පැවැත්වීමට පෙර,  ඕස්ටේ‍්‍රලියාවේ ගෝල්ඩ්කෝස්ට් නගරයට වඩා හම්බන්තොටට වාසිදායක බවක් පෙනෙන්නට තිබුණ නමුත් අවසානයේදී එය වැරදී ගොස් තිබිණ.
ශ්‍රී ලංකාව ප‍්‍රථම වතාවට මෙවැනි උළෙලක සත්කාරකත්වය හිමිකර ගැනීමට තරග වැදුණු අතර ඒ වෙනුවෙන් හම්බන්තොට නගරයේ නොයෙකුත් සංවර්ධන ව්‍යාපෘති දියත් කරන බවට ශී‍්‍ර ලංකා නියෝජිතයෝ පුරසාරම් කීවෝය. පොදුරාජ්‍ය මණ්ඩලිය කී‍්‍රඩා උළෙල විශාලත්වයෙන් දෙවැනි වන්නේ ඔලිම්පික් කී‍්‍රඩා උළෙලට පමණි.
කෙසේ වෙතත් ඡන්දය ප‍්‍රකාශ කළවුන්ට එය ඔවුන්ගේ ‘බුද්ධිය සහ හැගීම’ අතර තීරණයක් බවට පත්ව තිබිණ.
මෙම කී‍්‍රඩා උළෙල හම්බන්තොට ජනතාවගේ ජිවිත වෙනස් කරනා හැරවුම් ලක්ෂයක් බව පෙන්නුම් කිරීමට ශී‍්‍ර ලංකාව උත්සාහ කරද්දී ගෝල්ඩ් කෝස්ට් නගරය තෝරා ගතහොත් තරගාවලියේ සාර්ථකත්වය සම්බන්ධයෙන් ඇත්තේ අඩු අවදානමක් බව ඔවුන්ට පෙනෙන්නට තිබිණ.
හම්බන්තොට නගරය 2004 දි පැමිණි රුදුරු සුනාමි ව්‍යසනයෙන් පසුව නැවතත් ගොඩනැ‍ගෙමින් තිබෙන අතර මෙම කී‍්‍රඩා උළෙල ඒ සඳහා වඩාත් යහපත් වාතාවරණයක් සකස් කර දෙනු ඇතැයි පොදුරාජ්‍ය මණ්ඩලීය කී‍්‍රඩා බලධාරීන්ට ඒත්තු ගැන්නීමට ශී‍්‍ර ලංකා නියෝජිතයෝ උත්සාහ කළහ.
මෙම කී‍්‍රඩා උළෙල සංවිධානය කිරීමේ අවස්ථාව දිනාගැනීම සඳහා අවසන් දේශනය කළේ ශ්‍රී ලංකාවේ හිටපු සුපිරි පිට දග පන්දු යවන කී‍්‍රඩක මුත්තයියා මුරලිදරන්ය. එහෙත් සිය ජීවිතයේ බොහෝ දේ සාර්ථක කරගත් මුරලිදරන් අසාර්ථක වූ දුර්ලභ අවස්ථාවක් ලෙස මෙය සැලකිය හැකිය.
කී‍්‍රඩා උළෙලේ සත්කාරකත්වය දිනා ගැනීම පිළිබදව අදහස් දක්වමින් මුරලිදරන් පවසා සිටියේ අඳුරු වර්ණ භේදවාදී යුගයෙන් පසුව දකුණු අපි‍්‍රකානුවන් එකමුතු කිරීමට 1995 වසරේ දකුණු අපි‍්‍රකාවේදී පැවැති රග්බි ලෝක කුසලාන තරගාවලිය සමත් වූවාක් මෙන් ශී‍්‍ර ලංකාව නව මාවතකට ගෙන යාමට පොදුරාජ්‍ය මණ්ඩලීය කී‍්‍රඩා උළෙලට අවස්ථාව තිබූ බවයි.
මෙම කී‍්‍රඩා උළෙලේ යටිතල පහසුකම් දියුණු කිරීම සඳහා අවශ්‍ය ස්ටර්ලින් පවුම් මිලියන 745ක් හෙවත් රුපියල් බිලියන 132 ක මුදලින් සියයට 60 ක ප‍්‍රමාණයක් දැරීමට ශී‍්‍ර ලංකා රජය කැමැත්ත පළකර තිබිණ.
වඩාත් වැදගත් ප‍්‍රශ්නය වූයේ 2010 නවදිල්ලි කී‍්‍රඩා උළෙලේ වැය ශීර්ෂය පවුම් බිලියන 1.4  ක් වුවත් යටිතල පහසුකම් සඳහා යන වියදම් එකතු කරන ලද කල්හි එය පවුම් බිලියන 7.9 ක් දක්වා ඉහළ ගොස් තිබීමත්, එවන් තත්ත්වයක් යටතේ තවමත් හරිහැටි නොදන්නා ප‍්‍රදේශයක් සම්බන්ධයෙන් එවැනි අවදානමක් ගැනීමට පොදුරාජ්‍ය මණ්ඩලීය කී‍්‍රඩා සම්මේලන නියෝජිතයන් සූදානම්ද යන්නත්ය.
ඇත්ත වශයෙන්ම පොදු රාජ්‍ය මණ්ඩලීය කී‍්‍රඩා උළෙලක් පැවැත්වීමේ අවස්ථාව ගෝල්ඩ් කෝස්ට් නගරයට දීම, එය හම්බන්තොට නගරයට ලබාදීමට වඩා අවදානම අඩු බව තක්සේරු කමිටු වාර්තාවෙන් කියැවිණ.
ඕස්ටේ‍්‍රලියාව මීට ඉහතදී ද මෙවන් කී‍්‍රඩා උළෙල වලට සත්කාරකත්වය ලබා දී ඇති අතර 2000 වසරේ සිඩ්නිහිදී පැවැති ඔලිම්පික් උළෙලේදී ඔවුන් සිය සාර්ථකත්වය මොනවට ඔප්පු කළේය. ඊට අමතරව  ඕස්ටේ‍්‍රලියාව 2006 (මෙල්බර්න්) 1982 (බි‍්‍රස්බේන්), 1962(පර්ත්) සහ 1938(සිඞ්නි) යන වසර වලදීද පොදුරාජ්‍ය මණ්ඩලීය කී‍්‍රඩා උළෙලේ සත්කාරක රාජ්‍යයක් ලෙස කටයුතු කර ඇත.

Immortal Twilight fragrance to hit shelves ahead of film ‘Breaking Dawn: Part 1’

The much-anticipated film “Breaking Dawn: Part 1" hits theaters on Nov. 18

Twilight releases its own fragrance based on Edward and Bella's romance in Twilight: Breaking Dawn, the vampire film from SUMMIT ENTERTAINMENT
Fans of the “Twilight” book and film franchise can finally smell the romance.Twilight Beauty has unveiled its "Immortal Twilight” fragrance in anticipation of the film premiere of “Breaking Dawn: Part 1"on Nov. 18.
“Immortal Twilight” is intended to be redolent of the on-screen romance of Bella and Edward with notes of “cool citrus and wild chamomile, descending to reveal a delicate harmony of white freesia and peony grounded by the captivating and mysterious femininity of patchouli, cool amber and musk,” according to                             the Twilight Beauty’s web site.


“From the eternal life of a vampire to the eternal love between soulmates, Immortal Twilight is the personification of undying romance,” brand manager brand manager Jaega Haralambus said in a press statement. "Like its namesake, this scent will live on in the memory of everyone who wears or smells it."
The perfume retails for $35, while the "Immortal Twilight Duo Set" is available for $21.99 and includes the perfume, shower cream and limited-edition gift box.
There are also full lines of lip glosses, blushes and body products inspired by the characters in the series.
Past "Twilight" products have been the subject of litigation since the sensational franchise began.
In 2009, "Twilight" makers accused the chain Bath & Body Works of copyright infringement over their product lines dubbed "Twilight Woods."
Earlier that year, designer Nina Ricci took legal action against "Twilight" for releasing a perfume of the same name which bore striking resemblance to her "Nina" perfume bottle packaging.

Drop Dead ads banned in UK over super-skinny model

 Banned ads featuring too-skinny models in bathing suits.

Friday, November 11, 2011

ESPN Exclusive : Amla, Smith tons lead SA to incredible win

Amla, Smith tons lead SA to incredible win

The Report by Brydon Coverdale at Newlands
November 11, 2011
Hashim Amla celebrates his century, South Africa v Australia, 1st Test, Cape Town, 3rd day, November 11, 2011
South Africa 236 for 2 (Amla 112, Smith 101*) and 96 (Watson 5-17, Harris 4-33) beat Australia 284 (Clarke 151, Steyn 4-55) and 47 (Philander 5-15, Morkel 3-9) by eight wickets
Graeme Smith and Hashim Amla both struck centuries that completed South Africa's humiliation of Australia on the third day at Newlands, where they cruised to victory by eight wickets. If Australia thought their Cape Town experience could not get any worse after they were dismissed for 47 on the second afternoon, they were badly mistaken, with Smith and Amla adding to the hurt for the visitors.
The winning runs came when Smith, who finished unbeaten on 101, clipped Peter Siddle through midwicket and South African fans jumped to their feet to celebrate a famous victory. This was a team that on the second day had been bowled out for 96.
In doing so, South Africa became just the second team in 60 years to win a Test having been bowled out for less than 100 in their first innings; the only other occasion in the modern era was New Zealand's success against India in Wellington in 2002. They also completed the second-highest chase in a Newlands Test.
But it was the way they batted on the third morning that highlighted the ridiculous nature of the second day, on which 23 wickets fell. After a quiet first hour in which they added 31, getting accustomed to the conditions, Amla and Smith demolished the Australia attack. Amla played some wonderful strokes, straight drives, cover drives and flicks off the pads, proving that there was nothing in the pitch that could not be handled by good technique.
He brought up his century, his first against Australia, with a cut for four off Mitchell Johnson from his 126th delivery and the crowd - by that stage anticipating a South Africa victory any moment - erupted. Amla had been dropped twice by the Australians, including off the last ball of the second day, and he made them pay for those errors.
The 195-run partnership ended when Amla, on 112, slashed at Mitchell Johnson and was caught at gully by Michael Clarke with 14 runs still needed for victory. Kallis and Smith pushed them over the line with ease.
Smith was equally masterful, after a couple of lucky edges early in the day. He brutalised Shane Watson during an over that cost 13, smashing a cut for four and walking at the bowler to drive another boundary. His hundred came up with the run that levelled the scores, a single pushed past mid-off from his 138th delivery.
The South Africans batted superbly but Australia's bowlers were disappointing. Johnson collected the late wicket of Amla and in doing so avoided the second wicketless Test of his career, but he found no swing and was rarely threatening. Harris did not bowl terribly but was costly, while Peter Siddle tried hard. But they never looked like taking nine wickets under sunny skies.
Australia had their chance to break into the middle order when in the third over of the day, Amla, on 30, edged Harris to first slip, where Watson moved to his left and put down a catch he should have taken.
It was the last realistic opportunity Australia had, until the match was gone. A desperate use of the referral system confirmed that an lbw appeal from Harris to Amla was rightly denied by the umpire Billy Doctrove, the ball sailing well down the leg side, and it was just another example of the frayed mindset the Australians were experiencing after their humiliating day on Thursday.
They have six days to collect their thoughts before the second Test at the Wanderers.

Shocking Sri Lanka hammered in first ODI... ESPN Reports...

Shocking Sri Lanka hammered in first ODI

Pakistan 132 for 2 (Younis 56*, Farhat 50) beat Sri Lanka 131 (Afridi 3-27, Ajmal 2-21) by eight wickets
Tillakaratne Dilshan drags the ball onto his stumps, Pakistan v Sri Lanka, 1st ODI, Dubai, November 11, 2011
Tillakaratne Dilshan was the first of many Sri Lankan batsmen to perish attempting careless shots © AFP

Sri Lanka's batsmen betrayed a shocking lack of stomach in moderately helpful conditions for the bowlers, to crash to an eight-wicket humbling in the first ODI in Dubai. After losing the toss, Pakistan rolled the years back with a vintage bowling display - their fast bowlers softened the prey, before the allrounders and spinners came on to make incisions. Sri Lanka responded with indecisive prods, and a rash of strokes each uglier than the previous. They were bowled out for 131 with 57 balls to spare, and Pakistan strolled home in the 22nd over of their chase to put an early end to the weekend crowd's evening.
Sri Lanka's train-wreck of an innings featured only five fours, all of which were hit within the first 20 overs, and three sixes. The last of those - a heave against hope hopen from Lasith Malinga - broke a boundary drought that had lasted nearly 20 overs. Such was the stranglehold Pakistan wielded in the middle overs, and their spin spearhead Saeed Ajmal had almost no role to play in it.
Only one man stood between Pakistan and the paltry chase, but Lasith Malinga wasn't at his best on his return to action. He overstepped twice in his first over, and went on to send down two more no-balls - one of them for height. His lines were inconsistent, and his famed yorker did not make an appearance at all. Suranga Lakmal's dismissal of Mohammad Hafeez gave Sri Lanka some hope, but Imran Farhat's free-scoring more than made up for the loss. Younis Khan too purred along smoothly with a series of typical whips and glances as Pakistan bolted to a 1-0 lead.
The felicity with which Pakistan made their runs put the conditions, and the earlier efforts of their bowling colleagues, in perspective. The strip had a wee bit in it for every kind of quick - Umar Gul's seam, Aizaz Cheema's swing and Abdul Razzaq's legcutters - and the Pakistan trio exploited it right from the get-go. Gul lay down the marker in the first over of the game, with a big swinging wide down the leg side, and an away seamer that bounced explosively past Tillakaratne Dilshan's attempted slash. Dilshan perfected the shot in first ball of the the next over, but perished four balls later when Cheema got one to buzz in sharply onto the stumps off the inside edge.
Despite being in prime form, Kumar Sangakkara could barely lay bat on ball. A rare couple of boundaries suggested a release, but they were promptly followed by a string of 19 successive dots. The returning Razzaq put Sangakkara out of his misery in his first over, coaxing an outside edge with a ball that angled across.
Hafeez then settled into a typically asphyxiating rhythm, mixing up arm balls with darts that straightened. Dinesh Chandimal counterpunched by launching Razzaq over long-on for six, before scything him through cover for four. The aggression wore off on Upul Tharanga, who had pottered around to 21 off 52 balls before slicing Hafeez for a boundary over the off side. He perished three balls later, hoicking rashly to mid-on, and sadly for Sri Lanka, the poor shot selection set in like an epidemic.
Shahid Afridi came on, his appetite for the limelight undiminished by his brief retirement. He tossed up four balls, the fourth of which Chandimal clattered over long-on for six. Afridi removed him with the next ball - the patent quicker one catching the batsman on the crease, followed by the trademark arms-aloft celebration. He then rapped Mahela Jayawardene on the pads, and had his vociferous appeal turned down. When he was captain, Afridi would have signalled the referral immediately, almost as an extension of the appeal. This time, he turned to Misbah-ul-Haq in the covers, nodding his head vigorously to convince him, before asking for a review. The referral went Sri Lanka's way, but little else did.
Angelo Mathews spent 31 balls at the crease without adjusting to Hafeez's lack of turn before running himself out. Kosala Kulaseakara, yet to open his account in his debut innings, chose to chip a full ball straight to mid-off. Jayawardene watched aghast as he kept losing partners, before contributing his bit to the madness by lapping Ajmal from outside off stump to short fine-leg. Sri Lanka's misery was complete soon after, with Afridi and Ajmal producing enough variety to brush aside the tail. Dilshan's men will need a drastic change in approach before the second game on November 14.


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